the other day I learned that even after looking at your book 3 times before going out to print you should always have at least another pair of eyes look over it.
also on Monday I talked about the upcoming Kid with a Cubed Fro web comic but I forgot to tell you when it will start. Well it starts Wednesday.
Hey folks. So as you know I just launched the new series The Kid With The Cubed and guess what I am already launching a spin of to the book.
That right.
Starting next week There will be a Kid With The Cubed Fro Spin off webcomic called Kid With The Cubed Fro Presents. The webcomic well features characters from the world of The Kid With The Cubed Fro.
Last week we released the digital version of The Kid With The Cubed Fro and today we are are releasing the comic in print format for all those who want to hold a physical copy in your hands. flip the pages and get ink on your finger.
Some comic companies have made big news for having the digital and print version of their comics come out on the same day. But we at Graffiti On The Sun are doing something a little different. The Digital version is out before the print version.