It's out the
altcopy edition of Brer Warrior Issue one, on sale now at indyplant.comWhat is it, the first issue of Brer Warrior with a new sleek cover (and a couple of small minor changes)
But it's pretty much the same comic for the same low price of $2.35
This cover (pictured above) is a different take on covers then most standard comic book covers. Most comic covers are usually an image, that hopefully entices you to buy the comic and maybe (though less often nowadays) this image tells you what the story is about. But this cover is done with a few images from the comic and taglines that give you an ideal about the content in this issue. I see the cover as been done in a style that you may see on ad.
In fact the video I made earlier to promote Brer Warrior issue one is based on this cover and uses the same images and tag-lines, just with voice over and motion.